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Whitman County Library Board of Trustees Meeting Colfax Library October 15, 2013

Present: Rebecca Dickerson, Bob Bates, Teresa Myott, Steve Balzarini, Chuck Petras, Joe Reynolds, Kristie Kirkpatrick and Peggy Bryan.

Board chair Rebecca Dickerson called the meeting to order at 3:59. She asked for additions or modifications. Kristie welcomed guest Joe Reynolds. She asked that his presentation be moved up in the agenda.

Joe Reynolds, Whitman County Assessor, reviewed the levy calculations for the library district for 2013 and 2014 taxes. The 2013 levy rate is .469503000/$1000 and the 2014 levy rate will be .426218590/$1000. The maximum levy rate for library districts in Washington State per RCW is .5000/$1000. There was a brief discussion about running a levy lid lift in 2014, returning the levy rate to .5000/$1000. Assessor Reynolds discussed the new construction for 2014 and the additional revenue it will bring to the district in 2014. The majority of this is due to the Windmill Construction near Rosalia. A brief discussion followed. Becky invited Joe to join us for the remainder of the meeting, but he had another obligation.

The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed. Chuck Petras motioned to approve the September minutes, Teresa Myott seconded and the motion passed.

Peggy presented the financial reports for September 2013. She presented payment voucher resolution #20-13 totaling $47,825.02. Bob Bates made a motion to approve the resolution; Chuck Petras seconded and the motion passed.

Kristie reported that traditional circulation dropped by 9% in September which has been the pattern recently. Also decreasing for September were program attendance and volunteer hours. The bright spots are Endicott, Farmington, Lacrosse, Rosalia and Oakesdale which saw great improvements. In fact, Rosalia circulation improved by nearly 50%.

Online usage is a mixed bag with digital checkouts and in the library use of computers continuing to rise. Database usage saw a sharp drop from last fall, when our Teen Librarian was doing more promotion of those programs. The library is constantly monitoring the products we purchase with cost vs. usage in mind. Wois has now been discontinued and we’re keeping an eye on Livemocha because the usage has been so disappointing. has seen recent drops in usage that we are working to understand.

CONTINUING BUSINESS: Kristie reported that she has been working with the Architect on a less expensive plan for The Center. Copies of the plans were passed out and reviewed. A brief discussion followed. The plan could be implemented in stages, beginning with the north side. The Architect is Tom Maul, a WSU Adjunct Professor. No costs have been incurred as of yet. Kristie has been in contact with Paul Kimmel from Avista, who mentioned the possibility of assistance with HVAC, insulation and windows.

NEW BUSINESS: Chuck Petras reported on the Open Meetings program he attended at the McGregor Company on behalf of the library board. He was impressed with the panelists, who had a firm grip on the open meetings act. He recommended that the library adopt an open records policy that binds the cost of fulfilling public record requests to the library’s capacity to afford them. The board concurred and a brief discussion followed. Kristie has been gathering information on the policy, which will be reviewed at a later meeting when completed.

Kristie presented resolution #21-13, updating the meeting room policy to include notations on publicizing meetings and events. The update would include the wording that the library does not guarantee any type of advertising, so tenants of the room may want to publicize their own events and services. Chuck Petras made a motion to accept the resolution; Steve Balzarini seconded and the motion passed.

Kristie announced that Tekoa resident, Donna Byrd is the October supporter of the month. She assists with children’s programs and has been very helpful to Diane Harp, Tekoa Branch Manager.

Kristie announced that Kelsey Gallegos, Garfield Branch Manager, has resigned. The library is advertising for the position. She asked that board members forward any suggestions or recommendations to her.

Kristie announced that that there will be an overview of the Affordable Health Care Act on Thursday, October 24 at the Colfax library and also programs in every branch in November. She also mentioned the Everybody Reads Author J. L. Oakley visit November 14 and for Board members to RSVP if they will attend and require a lunch.

Kristie said library staff attended Nancy Stewart training last month and have training with Microsoft IT Academy and Affordable Health Care Act next month. She also announced that 3 staffers will attend the upcoming WALE Conference in Chelan.

Kristie announced that Washington State Auditor’s Office sent letters to all agencies on the new reporting requirements. She also mentioned that Peggy received two scholarships to attend financial trainings.

Becky asked Teresa about her plans as a board member, as her term ends in December 2013. Teresa announced that she does not plan to continue on the library board. A brief discussion followed.

With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:13. The next meeting will be at the Colfax Library on Tuesday, November 19th at 4:00 p.m.

_________________________________________ Peggy Bryan, Recording Secretary

_________________________________________ Rebecca Dickerson, Board Chair

For more information, contact:

Kristie Kirkpatrick at 509-397-4366

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